
by Danilo Valerio da Silva



PocketClass - is an application for you to teach, manage your classes and students, with it you can manage students, make calls and have all the control available in your pocket, student and class registrations are well objectives so as not to burden your time.PocketClass aims to help in a practical way your tasks in the management of classes, students and control of absences.Class ControlYou can add a class by informing the name and description that can be used to identify the content related to that class, after adding the class you can edit it to change what you want and, if necessary, delete the class.In the class list, in addition to editing, deleting, you can also add a new student.Student ControlAdd Student, edit and or deleteYou can add a student by informing name, remarks and when you already have a class registered you can select which class he will be enrolled in, after adding the student you can edit to change what you want and if necessary delete the student.make callsMake Call from a registered class that will be selected, defining the day, time and description of that call if you wish, after these selected data you can select the students who are present.In case of absence, it is possible to add justification for the students absence.Delete call.ReportView a report with a summary of attendance, absences by students and or choose the call by date.Report sharing available as you wish.Data ManagementBack up your entered dataRestore from a saved backupDelete all data entered so far